Thursday, March 17, 2011


Remember how your elementary/middle school teacher required you to bring in a "current event" article from the newspaper each week?  You probably had to respond to it in some way, whether it was orally or written.  Times have changed a bit.  There is a myriad of ways for students to learn about what is going on in the world and to weigh in on the subjects.  Here are two great sources.  Bookmark them for your classes today!

If you are looking for a way to get your students interested in current events and writing, check out the TweenTribune.  Not only is it age-appropriate and engaging, students can comment on the news stories.  They get practice with real-world writing in addition to learning what is happening in our nation and in our world.

CNN Student News is another fantastic news source for kids.  The vocabulary is tough, but the news is broken down so that kids can better understand it.  The site is complete with videos and podcasts.  There is even a "Teachers' Lounge," on which teachers can comment about the news and how it is presented to our children.

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