Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Infinite Potential

Infinitec means "infinite potential through technology." Infinitec, Inc. is the assistive technology program of the United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Chicago. The mission of Infinitec is to advance independence and promote inclusive opportunities for children and adults with disabilities through technology.

Troup County has been given access to http://www.myinfinitec.org/, which has a wealth of resources to help level the playing field for all students when it comes to learning.  It is a beautiful resource to use when planning for differentiation. For example, I learned about twurdy, which is a search engine that categorizes results by reading difficulty!  How helpful is that??!!  (We are working on getting it unblocked!)

To gain full access, there is a simple registration process.  Just look for the word register in the top right hand corner of the home page.  Enter your date of birth, click submit, and fill in the form.  Remember to use your school email address.  Use georgia as your password.  For more in-depth details regarding registration, click here!

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